As a skilled graphic designer, I specialize in crafting dynamic and mesmerizing visuals that elevate your brand's presence on social platforms. From attention-grabbing animated posts to compelling motion graphics for stories and ads, my social media motion graphics services are designed to make your brand stand out in the digital crowd.

    For this task, I had to create a visually stunning and captivating animated ad for social media that would increase brand awareness, drive engagement, and ultimately boost sales. I achieved this by first capturing the audiences attention with a product image, before switching to a slide showcasing the campaigns headline - ;live everyday in comfort'. I used vibrant and eye-catching visuals to make the graphic stand-out and grab potential customers attention.

    I brought my creative vision to life using After Effects. The ad's animation features smooth transitions, dynamic movements, and visually enticing effects. The ad was designed in square format, ensuring it would be easily shareable across various social media platforms.


    The primary objective of this project was to design a captivating space-themed video banner that showcased the main selling points of the brand. The video banner aimed to attract potential clients, and establish a strong brand identity in the competitive tech market. I proposed a space-themed concept that would symbolise the company's limitless possibilities and futuristic approach to technology. I integrated a vibrant and captivating colour palette. The colours were carefully chosen to evoke a sense of excitement and wonder. The execution of the space-themed video banner involved a combination of graphic design and motion graphics - incorporating  smooth transitions and animated text to showcase the brand's key strengths and services.


    This eye-catching banner features a swinging tote bag that brings life and excitement to my client's online platform. The colorful and playful animation showcases my client's trendy tote bags in action, creating a sense of movement and style that instantly captures the viewer's attention. As the tote bag swings, it conveys a sense of fashion-forward flair, inviting visitors to explore the latest collection. With this GIF banner, we aimed to enhance our client's website user experience, encouraging higher engagement and conversion rates. Whether on desktop or mobile, the swinging tote bag GIF adds a touch of vibrancy and personality, making it an unforgettable introduction to our client's brand and products. Get ready to be inspired and enticed by this captivating GIF banner that leaves a lasting impression on all who visit the website!


    The primary objective of this project was to create visually appealing and entertaining content that would drive traffic to the 10 Things to Do When You're Bored article on Oh! Ducky Darling. The animated video and GIF were designed to resonate with their target audience, showcasing the beloved duck mascot while offering creative boredom-busting ideas.

    The animated video and GIF proved to be a resounding success, achieving remarkable results for Oh! Ducky Darling.

    - The animation successfully piqued the interest of viewers, resulting in a significant increase in clicks to the 10 Things to Do When You're Bored article. 

    - The playful and charming animation was enthusiastically shared on social media platforms, leading to increased brand exposure and website traffic.

    - The use of the beloved duck mascot further strengthened the audience's affinity for the brand, solidifying Oh! Ducky Darling's position as a delightful and engaging platform.

    - The video and GIF garnered positive feedback from viewers, with many expressing their admiration for the creativity and entertainment value.

    The animated video and GIF created by Laura Elizabeth Smith successfully engaged the audience and contributed to the success of Oh! Ducky Darling's 10 Things to Do When You're Bored article. By incorporating the beloved duck mascot and showcasing creative activities, the animation not only entertained viewers but also encouraged them to explore the website further. Oh! Ducky Darling continues to delight its audience with charming content, reaffirming its position as a go-to platform for fun and imaginative experiences.